AXIS MEDIAS Company, SAS with a capital of 3 000 €, registered with the Nimes RCS under number 804 336 071 whose head office is located at 113, rue des lavandes 30220 Aigues Mortes (hereinafter « AXIS MEDIAS ») publishes a website and an app for smartphones and tablets (hereandafter « the Website » and « The App » respectively).

Via this application and this website, AXIS MEDIAS organizes the game «FORTUNA ISLAND», a free game with no obligation to purchase (hereinafter «The Game»).

All trademarks, logos and other distinct signs reproduced on the Application and the website are the exclusive property of AXIS MEDIAS or its partners. As such, they are protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. Any unauthorized reproduction of these brands, logos and signs constitutes an infringement liable to criminal penalties.


2.1 Conditions of Participation

All people with minimum 18 years old with the exception of AXIS MEDIAS staff and their families, can register and play on The Website and the Application (hereinafter, the «Player»). Anyone registered on the Application or the website acknowledges having read these regulations and undertakes to comply with them in their entirety.

2.2 Registration

Registration is required to participate in the FORTUNA ISLAND Game. An email address, a username and a password will be requested in order to create an account. This information will be used to secure access to the player's account..



The player accumulates CREDITS playing free games and thanks to the sponsors displayed on the Application and on the website.

3.2 Use of CREDITS during game

The player can use their accumulated CREDITS to play betting games offered on the website and the Application. These games allow players to win more CREDITS redeemable for prizes and cash in our store.

3.3 List of free games

3.3.1 Raffle

FORTUNA ISLAND organizes raffles offering CREDITS redeemable for prizes or cash in our store. Each raffle offers players to buy tickets whose value is in CREDITS. When all the raffle tickets have been sold, our system proceeds to a draw and pays the credit winnings to the selected participant.

3.3.2 Lottery

FORTUNA ISLAND organizes lotteries. The player must choose 5 numbers among 49 possible. Each lottery has a defined end date. When this date is reached, our system rewards the players who have obtained the most winning numbers on 2 levels (example: 25 players have 4 correct numbers, 500 have 3 correct numbers, 5000 have less than 3 correct numbers, the winners are the players having obtained 4 and 3 good numbers and sharing the bets of the losing players)

3.3.3 Scratch

FORTUNA ISLAND organizes a scratch game with CREDITS winnings. For each scratch ticket, the player will have to define how many CREDITS he want to bet and specify his probability of winning between 1 and 99. The lower the probability is, greater the win will and vice versa. Once the 2 informations has been filled in, a scratch ticket is displayed which indicates to the player if he wins (and the amount of CREDITS he wins) or if he loses.

3.3.4 PronoMatch

PronoMatch is a sports betting game offering the possibility of betting the CREDITS on the issue of a match. The choice is made between 1 or N or 2. All the bets are shared between the winners. For each game, the player need to choose how many CREDITS he wants to bet and select 1 N or 2. For each choice the odds are displayed (example : if a player bet 1000 CREDITS on 1 and the odd is 2 for this choice, the player will won 2 times the value of his bet so 2000 CREDITS)

3.3.5 LotoSport

FORTUNA ISLAND organizes sports betting grids called LOTOSPORT 7 and LOTOSPORT 14. LOTOSPORT 7 is a list of 7 games and LOTOSPORT 14 is a list of 14 games to predict. For each match a choice (1 or N or 2) is requested and the goal is to obtain as many good predicted matches as possible. We reward the players with the most good predictions and this on 3 levels (ex: the players with the most good predictions obtained 10 good predictions and 8 good predictions and finally 6 good predictions, the others made less than 6 good predictions, the winners will be the players who made at least 6 good predictions)

3.3.3 GiftBox

FORTUNA ISLAND organizes a grid game with prizes and CREDITS hidden behind the boxes. The boxes displaying a chest are free and can therefore be bought by the players, the player will be able to click on these boxes and he will immediately know if he has won or not.


SECTION 4.1 Prizes

The player can exchange at any time the CREDITS, accumulated during the games, against one or more prizes presented in the store. The prizes can be gift cards, vouchers as well only PAYPAL payments. Please note that the list of prizes can be changed at any time without notice depending on the availability or not of the prizes.

Regarding payments by paypal, the player must imperatively have filled his payment email in order to receive his payment. Regarding gift cards, shipments will be made by email or by post, the player will therefore have to indicate his email address or his postal address as appropriate.


5.1 Applicable Rules

By using the Service, you acknowledge and agree to the processing of your personal data by AXIS MEDIAS in accordance with applicable law and the provisions of the Privacy Policy

Personal data may be requested from players.

Players have the right to access, modify, rectify and update their personal data and the right to oppose the collection of their information.

These rights may be done by Players, proving their identity, by writing to the following address : AXIS MEDIAS, 113 RUE DES LAVANDES 30 220 AIGUES MORTES.

5.2 Further Information

The personal data of Players is intended for AXIS MEDIAS and, where applicable, subject to the Players's explicit authorization, for certain commercial partners

Personal data may also be communicated to a sworn third party in the event of a judicial or administrative requisition.

The customer service may also have access to personal data, due to his activity of supporting the Game, but he is not authorized to do so use for other purposes.


The player can sponsor his friends. The sponsor will earn 10 % of the CREDITS accumulated by all of his godchildren.


In case of necessity, in particular in the event of maintenance work, technical breakdown, attack on the automated data processing system or difficulties arising from the internet network or the mobile telephone network, access to the Application and to the website may be temporarily suspended, or even stopped definitively, which the Player acknowledges and accepts. In the event that the Player does not manage to connect and / or play, an anomaly during the validation of a game causes the non-registration of his participation, the AXIS MEDIAS liability cannot be accepted, in particular if these difficulties are the result of a bad configuration of the Player's computer equipment, a technical failure or a malfunction of the communication networks.


Each winner authorizes AXIS MEDIAS to use his first name, the first letter of his last name and his postal code without restriction or reservation and without this conferring on him any remuneration, right or advantage whatsoever other than the attribution of his prize. A photo or a video of each winner can be used free of charge by AXIS MEDIAS.


Any fraud or attempted fraud will be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions, including on the basis of Article 313-1 and following of the Penal Code.


This terms of service is filed with a bailiff.
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